Situation (Eng.)/ Situation (Fr.):
noun. Condition, case, or plight.
I am in the midst of a catastrophic situation. I am doing everything I can to sort through it, keep my balance and composure, relish in gratitude for the friends and family who have quickly risen to my aid and support, trust in the humanity of large corporations, and believe that everything will eventually be okay.
But it is hard, I am not going to lie.
One of the reasons that I love Paris is because it activates my imagination and provides the perfect environment for me to dream and marinade in life's possibilities. However, when life is serving up a big fat dose of crap back in my homeland it can be hard, no matter where I am, to shift my perspective back to the space of dreams and possibilities. So today I sought out one of the only surefire ways I know to help me revisit this happier perspective. I went to Musee Bourdelle for the Madame Gres exhibition.
For the two hours that I was there, I only thought about my situation a couple of times. But more than that, for the most part I felt inspired and hopeful. That is a huge improvement from the past few days and reminded me that no matter how horrible things may seem at any given moment, there is always something else that can bring us to a happier state if we let it. Our job is to give ourselves permission to feel better and to seek out an opportunity to shift our focus (even if only momentarily).
Here are just a few of today's perspective shifting images: