Monday, August 23, 2010


(photo by Seaofshoes)

Go (v., Eng.)/ Aller (v., Fr.): to move or proceed, esp. to or from something

"Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong; sometimes it's letting go."
— Sylvia Robinson

Tonight is a full moon, which is actually at its fullest at 7:11am (PST) tomorrow. They say that a full moon is for letting things go, and a new moon is for drawing things to you. This is a time to transform your life and strip away ideas, beliefs and maybe even people who do not connect with the person you are today.

Although a very significant friend of mine moved away today, it is important to mention that I am not focusing on this type of removal as I contemplate the effects of the full moon. That is because I believe that we sometimes have to let go of things in order to understand what is truly important. And the importance of this particular friendship has only been strengthened by saying good bye.

Instead, I focus on the removal of certain blockages, which I trust will allow more good to flow to and through me. So tonight I made a list of the things that I would like removed in order to create space for more good. I asked myself, "what can I change or remove so that I can live more authentically?" There were six distinct experiences that appeared on that list. I also ended up listing out things that I wanted to make room for in my life. And without thinking about it, I came up with exactly six experiences that I wanted more of. Whoa-- even a simple coincidence feels powerful during a full moon.

What makes up your list(s)? What do you want to remove in order to make way for the good to appear when the new moon rolls around on September 8th?

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