Monday, December 14, 2009


I think that visualization is easy when you know what you really want. I mean really really really want. But what about when you just don't know what it is? And something inside is telling you that there is something better for you out there, but what?

Then it is probably time to visualize something that you love, a feeling, a place, a concept, an emotion, etc. to align your creative energy to the universe.

Start somewhere.

Clip out magazine images that you are drawn to, quotes that you like, a poem, an old photo, a postcard, etc. Turn it into a collage. If it is a collection of things that you like, then each time that you look at it, it will affect your vibrational energy and thoughts.

And that is just about when the universe starts responding by helping you to uncover your next visualization.

At least that is how it works for me.

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