Thursday, February 25, 2010


When Led Zeppelin happened it was like the second coming of Christ. Unbelievable. No one should try to come after them. They should just give up. Their fear should just stop them in their tracks.

But that didn't stop Van Halen. They gave it their own kitschy and talented flair and we fell for it. Hook, line, and sinker.

Then The Chili Peppers happened. What was that? An unprecedented style and talent. And no one could top them, they were unbelievably creative, unique, and irreplaceable.

Well, Radiohead came along.

If you think that it has been done before, don't let it paralyze you, don't let it get in your way. You may think that you have seen it all before-- hogwash. You add a unique flair that has never been experienced. You have something to add. Something to contribute. Something that may touch us like we thought we could never experience again. So do your thing, and do it with confidence and passion.

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