Monday, June 20, 2011

Les Essentiels: Juin

(Photo by Tommy Ton at

Essentiels (Fr.)/ Essentials (Eng.) (adjective): absolutely necessary; indispensible.

Ten things that I can't live without right now:
  1. All things Google (general search, google maps, google translate,etc.)
  2. Kiehl's lip balm
  3. Baies and Figuer Diptyque candles (burning simultaneously)
  4. Cartier tank watch on a black crocodile strap 
  5. SALT aviator sunglasses
  6. Skype
  7. Creative Inspiration: OFR Bookstore in Paris never disappoints as an ongoing source of inspiration.
  8. Wine (specifically Amphibolite Nature vin blanc and Les Pieds Rotis bubbles from Paris Terroirs)
  9. Avocados
  10. Clouds in the Luxemborg Gardens
What's on your list?


Anonymous said...

Dreaming, trail runs on the Wildwood, Diptyque's Tarocco perfume, Bubbles, long evening walks with Mazzy while listening to music (and maybe even a cigarette), colorful dresses, my star ring, watermelon, hoping, phone calls with long distance girlfriends.

Unknown said...

My dog Petey, my Dad's Rolex, pink prosecco, the beach, any kind of talent, a great haircut, warm brownies, my books, taking photographs, the alchemy of cooking. Oh, and a new lipstick.

This is an excellent exercise!

Ninehoursahead said...

I love your essentiels as if I had picked them for myself. Thanks for sharing with me!