Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Beaucoup (Fr.)/ Many (Eng.) adjective: Consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number.

I have always been the kind of person who likes to try a lot of things, to squeeze every last drop out of this life.  God forbid there be something of interest that I have not tried exploring. Maybe that is why I read more magazines and blogs than I do full books.

A very wise person told me recently that there are two general types of passionate people in this world. The type who have a single, clear, burning mission from the moment that they are born. And the type who treat life like a candy store, sampling as many different candies as they can. And neither one is better nor has more benefits than the other. Each one provides structure for growth, which is the one sure purpose in life-- to grow. You can grow just as much from the pursuit of one clear mission as you can from many. And one mission can turn into many and many pursuits can turn into one.

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