Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Faith (Eng)/ Confiance (Fr.): noun; Confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. Belief that is not based on proof.

I recently read a New York Times article about a Tony award winning playwright/performer , Sarah Jones, who recently received a commission from the Lincoln Center to develop an unspecified show. She has no idea what it will be about or what she will create, yet the clock is ticking to create it. Her specialty is to scour the city streets of New York City in search of people who represent "cultural fault lines that unite and divide the city" and to pluck these characters ripe for her own inspriration.

Although I am not a playwright, a performer, nor a New Yorker, I do have a few things in common with Ms. Jones. 

  • I have been given a commission from the universe to create the life of my dreams, and have also been gifted the backdrop of Paris. 
  • I search the city for inspiration and find myself eavesdropping on conversations in languages that I don't totally understand, peering in apartment windows at dusk to imagine the life within it, chameleon-ing myself to whomever I am interacting with out of authenticity in the moment.
  • I don't know what my story will be, but I go in search of it and trust that it is unfolding exactly as it should. To be doing it in Paris at this moment gives me the peace of mind that I am in the right place for right now.
“I’m practicing a kind of meandering faith, or faithful meandering, I just trust that something is coming. I don’t know what it is. But I’ve been a straphanger all my life; I know what it’s like to not know when the next train is coming, but I trust the subway.”
- Sarah Jones, Unlicensed anthropologist, an explorer of the cultural fault lines that unite and divide the city, Tony award winning performer and playwright

Click here to read the entire NYTimes article--Sarah Jones, Scouting the City for Her Characters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There was a line in the book Eat Pray Love that resonated with me. To paraphrase it was " you are exactly where you are meant to be right now." I think sometimes we're too caught up in events of the past or anticipating something in the future that we miss the life we're living right now!