Friday, October 31, 2014

Les Essentiels: Octobre

“It’s the funniest thing that you don’t really understand before it happens, what it is. So you sort of go running right towards it like yeah, this is exactly what I was seeking and when you get there you realize that the things that you thought would be great about it are not. But there are much more interesting things that come from it that you really appreciate...” 
- George Clooney, DID BBC Radio 4, 2003

My top ten favorite things in October:

1. The smell of the fire in Noyers. And when I am in Paris, the smell of Feu de Bois.

2. A final warm weekend spent in my favorite Parisian park, Buttes des Chaumont.

3. The automne issue of The Gentlewoman. How am I going to wait six months for the next issue?

4. Long walks in the Bourgogne countryside. You just never know when you will round a corner and run into a pagan house or a chateau.

Abandoned pagan house, with a pristinely kept lawn.

Chateau de Jouancy

5. Homemade bread.

6. I have switched my girl power soundtrack from Neko Case to Lucinda Williams.      

7. Desert Island Discs (DID) podcasts. I still can’t believe that this exists. I always thought that if I had an interview show, it would be structured this exact same way... Name five albums that you would take with you on a deserted island. And then VIOLA! Here it is. It is true when they say everything has existed before, and apparently it's been going on since 1942! I’d provide a link to the free downloads on iTunes, if only I knew how. Instead, click here to see the entire archive. Or have a listen to Mr. Clooney's interview:

8. Catching up on my museum visits. From Saran Wrap overhead tunnels to incredible portraits by the master. 

Inside at Musee Palais de Tokyo

Musee Picasso Paris

9. Vendange (late wine harvest) at a friend’s vineyard, followed by a lovely lunch that overlooks Noyers.

10. Mushroom hunting in Foret Domaniale de Val de la Nef.

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